
What are the main problems we face in a Relationship?

Well, having problems in life isn’t bad. Actually, it’s normal in life so we don’t need to be ashamed of it & in the case of relationships it’s absolutely normal. But the risk is quite high in cases of relationships, just because it’s too much Emotion centered. A relationship consists of very sensitive strings of emotions & expectations. We all do expect many things from others, but we expect the most when it comes to someone, we really do Love & care about. Now, let’s talk about the fundamental problems usually we face in a Relationship.    1. Over Possessiveness. Over possessiveness is the most common issue in a Relationship. In a normal relationship, possessiveness often occurs as a sign of care, Love & affection. But whenever that turns into over-possessiveness, it lights up the fire of ruining every understanding in between a couple. Most of us have some degree of fear and insecurity surrounding our close relationships. These all happens for some

Why Never Give Up?

We all know that "Never Give Up" things, but the fact is why? Does it matter at all? Isn't it a foolish thing? Well, today we are gonna postmortem that "Never Give Up" thing. So let get started. Since our childhood, we all experienced that term 'never give up' from our parents, teachers & so on. I think we all remember that very first day of our bicycle ride for the first time and also that craze we had. We all fell down and had a lot of hits, but did we afraid to ride for the next time? Did we stop there when we hit the ground for the first time and went to the room by leaving the bicycle there on the ground? And the answer is no, huh...! We didn't give up and that's why now we all have our Ph.D degree in bicycles. It's just a small example of 'Never Give Up' thing. Let's dig deeper...   We haven’t tried everything, Did We?   Setbacks and struggles are no fun. We have two options when we deal with a setbac

The Differences Between a Mature & Immature Relationship.

So, what are the differences between a Mature Relationship and an Immature relationship. "First of all you should know that mature couples don't 'fall in love', they step into it. In other words, Love isn't something you fall for; it's something you rise to .                                 If you fall in love that denotes lowering oneself, dropping down and being stuck somewhere lower than where you started. " But the question is how do you know that your relationship is mature or not? 1. Immature relationships are all about doubts. Does he love me? Is she cheating on me? Will we be together in two months? Mature couples don't need to ask questions. They already know the answers, and they don't need reassurance from their partners. They are comfortable and secure and free of doubt because mature love isn't about all those small questions, but a comfort in knowing the big one is answered. 2. Immature relations

What is a Relationship & How to make it superior.

A relationship is a very pure thing that takes place in our heart. It demands a lot of things and it's too hard to maintain and it means a lot to us. The relationship is like having a tree. If you want to make it grow, then you have to take care of it. You have to put it in the right place by knowing what kind of tree it is and where it actually belongs.                                                              If you treat a mango tree like a cactus, then it'll never survive, it's that simple. But if you want to make a nearly dead tree survive, then you can imagine how tough it will be... And for that, you should have enough confidence and strength to believe that you can do it. And in the end it all depends on a single question, that is ' How Badly You Want It'. But there are some facts here which may help you and can give you the basic outlines to maintain a Relationship. **One most important thing is good relationships don't just happen, the

Respect Makes Us Who We Are

So, here we go again today with a new topic where we are going to share again. Today’s topic is Respect. I hope you will enjoy! So, let’s get started. Respect is just not a word, it’s something more than that and none of us should avoid or say, negotiate it. As I experienced that if we do negotiate it, then It just makes us losers in front of a Gentleman. But that’s not the main thing, the fact is “respect” defines us that who we are and how we used to treat other people. Because we all are a human being and we should respect ourselves. What if we start to respect everything? 1.    By respecting something we used to believe in it and so whenever we start thinking about it, we think much deeper and also in a different way. It helps us to take everything in a different way. 2.    It makes us take everything seriously. If we start to take everything respectfully then we cannot think casually about it so we can push ourselves for it to make it better or worse gently. 

How To Be a Gentleman?

Being a Gentleman is a choice, and nothing else. It's not necessary for every man but it defines who you are and in the what way you think or treat yourself or others. But we men used to think how to be a gentleman and when we did finish learning, we improvise ourselves by adding some of our own rules and our style and the become our own signature. And that thing defines that we all are not the same while we all are maintaining the fundamental characteristics of being a Gentleman. So Let us start without wasting time. By the way, the blog has its limitation which makes us feel boring so I choose Microsoft Sway to make your reading more interesting. And that is why I would like to request you to read it in full screen by click on the fullscreen button placed upon the Sway window. And if you are using pc or laptops then use the page up or down button to scroll for better experience. I hope you guys will enjoy it.  

Can't Stop Crying?

Feel Free, We Can make it. There is nothing wrong with crying when you are feeling emotional, it doesn't make you weak. However, sometimes crying in public feels embarrassing, so you should know the ways to compose yourself and hold back the tears. Here are some tips to stop yourself from crying Just click on the Full screen button and let's try..  * If you find or know more tricks or a way to take the depression away, then help me to improve our blog by writing comments below in the comment-box.