The Differences Between a Mature & Immature Relationship.

So, what are the differences between a Mature Relationship and an Immature relationship.

"First of all you should know that mature couples don't 'fall in love', they step into it. In other words, Love isn't something you fall for; it's something you rise to.
                                If you fall in love that denotes lowering oneself, dropping down and being stuck somewhere lower than where you started. "

But the question is how do you know that your relationship is mature or not?

1. Immature relationships are all about doubts. Does he love me? Is she cheating on me? Will we be together in two months?

Mature couples don't need to ask questions. They already know the answers, and they don't need reassurance from their partners.

They are comfortable and secure and free of doubt because mature love isn't about all those small questions, but a comfort in knowing the big one is answered.

2. Immature relationships leave you wanting something, but mature relationships give you what you need.

There's a void in immature relationships, an apparent absence and the incessant worry that something's missing.

It eats away at you when you go to sleep or leave each other for just a few hours. It burns dimly when you're together, but you wave it off with sex and constant chatter.

Mature relationships have no void. There are no empty spaces or tiny cracks. There is never a feeling that something has been taken away or is leaving with the other person. The love between the two mature people fills every crack in the fiber of their being they didn't know they had.

3. Immature relationships are striving to be one complete person, mature relationships are okay being two.

Immature relationships are formed by two incomplete people. They are two halves trying to make one whole.

They are two people looking for something that can't be found in another person. They dominate each other, force themselves together and make one flawed mess of a human.

Mature couples never strive to be one. They are two individual people looking to make two better people. The love between the two of them isn't about making both of them whole again, but more individualIt's about pushing each other to pursue their passions, interests and become the best person possible.

4. Immature relationships fight over text messages; mature relationships are always face to face.

Immature couples see long texts as evidence of their “relationship” and find comfort in spending hours hiding behind their phones. They argue just to argue; mature couples fight for their future.

Fighting is natural; texting is not. Mature couples do not spend their days bickering over a screen when they have something to work out, they do it face to face — where the meanings can't be misconstrued by emojis and auto correct. Immature couples fuel their relationship with incessant bickering and lengthy messages.

5. Immature relationships are threatened by everyone else; mature relationships enjoy meeting other people.

Mature couples, however, do not feel threatened by strangers and past lovers. They are confident in their love and their partner's love.

Immature couples find threats in everyone. They're delusional and paranoid because their love is superficial. They do not have a strong enough foundation to effortlessly glide past all the distractions and threats.

6. Immature relationships are about trying to find yourself; mature relationships already know themselves.

Relationships are only for two complete people looking for companionship, yet many incomplete people look for it to complete them. This is when mature relationships and immature one split.
You can't have a healthy relationship with two unhealthy people. When you're trying to use someone to complete you, you're creating an incomplete relationship.

7. Immature relationships, judge you in your past; mature relationships help you to carry it.

We all have a past, and in many cases, one we're not proud of. We can't help what happened to people before we knew them. All that matters is how they are now. Immature couples, however, refuse to see beyond the past.

Mature couples don't just accept one another's past, but want to help heal the wounds. They look beyond the mistakes and the flaws toward the beauty in the future together.


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