What is a Relationship & How to make it superior.

A relationship is a very pure thing that takes place in our heart. It demands a lot of things and it's too hard to maintain and it means a lot to us. The relationship is like having a tree. If you want to make it grow, then you have to take care of it. You have to put it in the right place by knowing what kind of tree it is and where it actually belongs.

                                                             If you treat a mango tree like a cactus, then it'll never survive, it's that simple. But if you want to make a nearly dead tree survive, then you can imagine how tough it will be... And for that, you should have enough confidence and strength to believe that you can do it. And in the end it all depends on a single question, that is ' How Badly You Want It'.

But there are some facts here which may help you and can give you the basic outlines to maintain a Relationship.

**One most important thing is good relationships don't just happen, they take work. But as anyone in a good relationship will tell you, the work is worth it.

  1. Do not try to change your partner
  2. Do not try to control your partner
  3. Try to Support their interests.
  4. Don't minimize your partner's emotions.
  5. Respect and Love them for who they are.
  6. Anger is just a waste of time. Try to be cool and if it's going wrong between each other then just stop talking and go for a walk with earphones on and when you get control of your anger, try to talk with your partner and get to the root of problems. And also keep your fight clean. It's normal in relationships.
  7. Be loyal and trustful to each other. 
  8. Make efforts to establish physical contact.
  9. Never forget to say 'Thank You' or 'Sorry' to each other.
  10. Try to say 'please' because it's odd to order someone for something who is a part of yours.
  11. And the most important part, before going into a relationship officially promise each other that, what the hell the situations will come to you, you will never give up on own self as well as on each other. Because no one is perfect for anyone. We have to manage everything for who we love. And that's the true meaning of the relationship.


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