Why Never Give Up?

We all know that "Never Give Up" things, but the fact is why? Does it matter at all? Isn't it a foolish thing? Well, today we are gonna postmortem that "Never Give Up" thing. So let get started.

Since our childhood, we all experienced that term 'never give up' from our parents, teachers & so on. I think we all remember that very first day of our bicycle ride for the first time and also that craze we had. We all fell down and had a lot of hits, but did we afraid to ride for the next time? Did we stop there when we hit the ground for the first time and went to the room by leaving the bicycle there on the ground? And the answer is no, huh...! We didn't give up and that's why now we all have our Ph.D degree in bicycles.

It's just a small example of 'Never Give Up' thing. Let's dig deeper...


We haven’t tried everything, Did We? 

Setbacks and struggles are no fun. We have two options when we deal with a setback: give up or keep trying. When we struggle even after trying what we think is everything, it forces us to think outside of the box and to look for alternatives.

The hidden beauty of a setback is that it produces creativity and stretches us past our current abilities. Believe or not, I do believe in it. All I want you guys to think about my words because I might be wrong.

Past failures do not predict 'Our' future, Does it?

As they say, “You live and you learn.” Failures are nothing more than a learning opportunity. In fact, I try not to use the word “failure” at all, because every time we don’t achieve success at something, but we learn a valuable lesson from it.
If something didn’t work in the past, then learn from it, alter your path to success and don’t make the same mistake again.

You don't wanna regret in your life, right?

Then you don't wanna say in the future that "I wish I didn't give up". There's a thousand possibilities in our life to make things work, but you know what, nobody can give you the guarantee that each of the time you will succeed. But at least you will say to yourself that you have tried, you've tried so hard. But who knows that maybe one day you will succeed in whatever you were struggling for. Always remember that our life depends on possibilities & so the possibilities are depending on our point of views. And that means it's a 50-50 chance. But also remember that as Sir Abdul Kalam said, if there's a chance no matter if it's just 0.1% or tends to zero, but not zero to change the whole 'World' or 'Life', then just go for it if you believe from the core of your heart that you can do it.

If We just give up, then what?

There is no better feeling in the world than the feeling of success, especially after overcoming every obstacle through pure grit and determination. If you just give up now, what's that gonna feel like? Giving up by not seeing its end means, you are pointing your finger at yourself. You know what, the worst feeling in the world is being a loser to yourself. I'll tell you! Giving up will leave a very bad taste in your mouth & you'll be more likely to give up again in the future.
                                                         So, instead of giving up the next time & getting tired, learn to rest, not to quit. If you're not finding the success you want, then just as with a setback, reexamine your situation & think outside the box and find a way!


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