Analyze Yourself & Realize Who You Are

But the question is how?
  • Well, I use to start with stop thinking about it and go for a cup of coffee or tea and yes, I'm a smoker so I use to light up a cigarette also and listen music. But it's not necessary; you can do whatever you love to do in your free time. It's really good if you love to sleep. In other words, just do anything what can be used as a pause button for your depressing thought. And then I try to engage with some work.
  • After that when I become free and the thought is coming in my mind again, that time I use to think all about it from the beginning with logic and judgmental mind. And believe me, whenever I use that trick, I really get an outstanding result and a lot of positive mental energy which make me feel far better.
  • That point is specially for you guys, if you find something which makes you feel guilt or you wonder that you did something wrong in the past, please try to admit. Because, if you admit today, then you will never run the same mistakes in the future and you will never have to feel the same feelings in the future.
  • Once you admit your wrongs it will be easier to kick-off the depression away from you. But while admitting your wrongs, you may fall apart in front of your self-respect. But listen, you are not weak and there's no shame to admit if we did something wrong. We all make mistakes. After all, without mistakes you can't make yourself superior.
This is the way I found to analyze myself. Now it's your turn to say 'bye' to your depression.

*If you find or know more tricks or a way to take the depression away, then help me to improve our blog by writing comments below in the comment-box.


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