
Showing posts from July, 2019

The Differences Between a Mature & Immature Relationship.

So, what are the differences between a Mature Relationship and an Immature relationship. "First of all you should know that mature couples don't 'fall in love', they step into it. In other words, Love isn't something you fall for; it's something you rise to .                                 If you fall in love that denotes lowering oneself, dropping down and being stuck somewhere lower than where you started. " But the question is how do you know that your relationship is mature or not? 1. Immature relationships are all about doubts. Does he love me? Is she cheating on me? Will we be together in two months? Mature couples don't need to ask questions. They already know the answers, and they don't need reassurance from their partners. They are comfortable and secure and free of doubt because mature love isn't about all those small questions, but a comfort in knowing the big one is answered. 2. Immature relations